Self-portrait — 2018, Bremen, Nikon D7000

short vita & misc

Hi, my name is Benjamin, and I’m an artist, most and foremost. Having studied the violin for almost as long as I can remember, I decided to go through with it by acquiring a bachelor’s and a master’s degree at conservatories in Bremen and Antwerp. Throughout my studies, I’ve met many amazing and inspiring people, gathered invaluable experiences both on- and off-stage, and not only developed as a musician, but as a researcher, too, finding tools to guide my aesthetic ideas from diffuse gut-feelings into well-reasoned arguments.

Apart from the violin and viola, I’ve always been fascinated by visual arts, as well as literature and language. Having finished school, going to a conservatory to study music was, perhaps, the most difficult decision of my life, but not because I considered going for something more secure — I just wasn’t sure about what creative field to devote myself to. In retrospect, I am very happy with the choice I’ve made, as I’ve been able to focus my academic work on music while maintaining and expanding my relationship with the visual arts and writing at my own pace. Taking a look around this page will prove me right, I hope.

RU/ GER/ ENG/ (and a little French)